Washington State Economic Development NP
Ritzville, Washington
Glen R Stockwell
is a Proud American and Veteran!
January 15th, 2012
Request to Governor Elect Jay Inslee
Jay, please join with Senator Maria
Cantwell and please use both of your
"Congressional Leadership Skills"
just like
Senator Cantwell & Senator McCain
when they tried to restore
"Glass Steagall"
to Our US Banking System
You need Flash Player in order to view this.
Cantwell and McCain Hold A Press Conference
Senators Maria Cantwell and John McCain hold a press conference introducing The Banking Integrity Act of 2009. Learn more about the legislation here: http://cantwell.senate.gov/news/record.cfm?id=320823.
is the time for "Real Leaders" to form the
"Washington State Green Team"
Finish President Franklin Roosevelt's
Columbia Basin Project
President Obama!
Let's put these returning Vets and WA's
unemployed to work and save money at the
same time! This project has worked for 60
years and completion of the 2nd 1/2 of the
project will give America positive returns
for decades and centuries to come!
Washington State is a Great National
Investment of the "People's Money"!
Now with 800 Billion TARP funds still
avaiable and another additional
Trillion Dollars
available for Economic Stimulus Projects!
It is time for Washington State's current Congressional Leaders to take Action and contact President Obama requesting him to work on this "Bipartisan Project" and place 2 billion dollars into a Washington State
"Non-revocable Trust Account"
and request President Obama sign an
"Executive Order"
"Fast Track Phased Completion"
this project!
To: Governor Elect Jay Inslee
From: Glen R Stockwell
President of Washington State Economic Development Corp. NP
A Roosevelt Democrat
Re: Request that you allow me to bring my "Fast Track Phased Completion of the Columbia Basin Project Proposal" to your election platform of a "Building a Working Washington Platform." This project will create thousands of new jobs and revitalize Washington’s economy!
By now you understand, I am determined to help our state and country with my project proposal. With your new leadership as Governor, I believe we can succeed on this proposal. For the 1st time in Washington’s history we have;
1. A President willing to invest in Public Work projects. (Presidential
2. Nearly 1.7 Trillion dollars (12/2011) on the federal table for this project.
(Real Money)
3. I believe the National DNC, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Murray, Senator
Kerry, Representative Pelosi, Al Gore, President Bill Clinton, Governor
Gary Locke and others would work aggressively with you and support you
along side with President Obama on this project. (Teamwork)
4. Washington State Congressional Leaders (chairing &/or setting) in the
most influential committees required to complete this project.
(WA Bipartisan Team)
5. Governor Gregoire, Speaker Frank Chopp, Majority Leader Lisa Brown,
and the WA State Democrat Party will Guarantee Support.
6. I also believe a majority of the WA State Republican Party would vote
in favor of this project completion. On March 5th of 2011, I met with
Colin Hastings and by the 1st of May Colin wrote the article on my web
in favor of completion. I also met for the 1st time the Grant County
Republican PCO’s in March 2011 and gave them my project proposal
and in the following June at their PCO meeting they voted 10-8 in favor and direct their Chair Dani Bolyard to write, "Letter of Support" to Doc Hastings and President Obama! I have a verbatim tapeand also all email correspondence between myself and the Chair Dani Bolyard.
I think you and the President could use this tape to your advantage!
7. I will be running for Congress this year probably against Cathy. I would
like to run as a "Roosevelt Democrat", on this issue of Completion of this
project. This project will create thousands of jobs for the returning Vets
and WA’s Unemployed. It would also stimulate our nation's economy for decades and centuries to come.
Unfortunately and regrettably the party leaders will not support me.
Jay, while meeting you at the Spokane Salmon Bake, Patty’s Legacy
Dinner in 2009 (I gave you my proposal), Larry Phillips fundraiser in
Seattle, and at Patty’s Re-election kickoff on August 17, 2010 with
President Obama (I gave you my proposal again), I was sizing you
up at a distance.
I’m not blowing smoke up your political butt, I believe you are a "Good
Man". While watching you and Larry Phillips reminisce about days on the
basketball court in 1969.
I would like to point out to you, your Coaches always had a plan
and your teammates tried to bring the plan together to win the game.
The game plan, I have outlined above is a winning plan for you,
President Obama, and the National DNC! This project will increase jobs
in Western WA (Ports) and Eastern WA for decades and centuries to come,
it has a proven 60 year historical track record of success!
If President Roosevelt didn’t die while in office he probably would have
been reelected for another term. Franklin was a man who was admired by
voters in both parties and, in my studied opinion, he was a master at
Bipartisanship proposals. He came to the table with his Presidential
Authority, a planning team, and with something not normally seen
today in politics "ACTION!"
What you, President Obama, Senator Cantwell, Senator Murray and
the other Washington State Democrat congressional leaders could
demonstrate to Washington voters and the Nation, is that the Democrats
are willing to work with the Republicans on this Bipartisan Project!
Please walk across the aisle and offer to form a "Washington State Green
Team" as I have suggested to you, Patty and Maria. An old adage "Actions
speak much louder than empty words" is true! You will show your desires
to stop the dysfunction of government, and if elected, you will work for
everyone from all parties and walks of life as Governor!
This action will give you, Maria, and President Obama millions of dollars
of "Free news articles" during the campaign trail of 2012.
I and my company "G.R Stockwell & Associates Inc" once lead my
county on accepting all of Washington State’s solid waste and have the
documents to prove it. The Adams County Commissioners gave me the
right to bring 800 tons/day to the Bruce Landfill and to contract tippage
fees on behalf of Adams County. I personally received funding
exceeding 97 million dollars for the project, contracted for properties in
Adams Co., Spokane Co., King Co., had sites for Agricultural Processing, and
negotiated 20 year rail contracts. All of the Adams County Commissioners,
Mayors of Ritzville, Lind, Othello, Wastucna, and the Port of Othello
supported my proposals! We had started negotiating with Spokane & also
Spokane County, Coeur d' Alene ID, and the City of Seattle. We were on the
short list of companies offering to provide disposal services to the
City of Seattle prior to forming a "Joint Venture" with Washington Waste
Systems a subsidary of Waste Management of North America.
I am suggesting to you with confidence "my plan" will work to get you
elected to the Governor’s seat. I know I am right about my proposal! I
would like to work directly you, Maria, Patty, David Plouffe, and Mitch
Stewart to "Fast Track Phased Completion" of President Roosevelt's
"Columbia Basin Project"!
Jay, would you allow me to sell my project proposal to you, Maria and
President Obama? Projects are about Money and Power.
Jay you currently have both!
I think you are a leader but only time will tell and the voters of WA State
will be able to evaluate prior to voting in the 2012 Fall General Election.
Reaching out once again in 2012,
Glen R Stockwell
A Roosevelt Democrat
509-540-6899 my cell please call I have a real plan that will work!
PS; Washington State and this project are the best project in Our Nation
to use some of the 800 Billion dollars remaining in the TARP Funds &/or
the new Trillion Dollar Economic Stimulas money set aside in December
2011, in my opinion!
Wouldn't you agree Jay?