Washington State Economic Development NP
Ritzville, Washington

ANN isn't his Mother!
Obama's Fake Family Photo
Obama's Fake Family Photo. It appears that this photo of Obama and his grandparents has been photoshopped.Update: Someone sent this link, which contains another photo of Obama's grand parents, aga...
FAKE GRANDMOTHER was assassinated 2 days before the 2008 General Election!
What the Dunham family members have in common with both of Ann's so called husbands.
Is they all worked for the CIA & they belonged to the Communist Party!

Don't Let Barack Obama / Barry Soetoro and His Minions Play You For Suckers!
He is being marketed on Toilet Rolls!
The perfect way to honor our illustrious
president by hanging his portrait in your home. Or more specifically, in your bathroom.
2 Rolls for $10.95
Doesn't Match!
Patriotic Democrats of America
Why keep Defending
The Liar?
Nobody Trust Obama!
Obama cost you the
2014 Elections!

Joe Biden: The Most Influential Vice President in History!Barack Obama just can't get enough out of Joe Biden these days. And anybody who's been following Biden's steady ascent in stature over the last several years -- from gaffe-happy presidential contender to one of the most powerful vice presidents in U.S. history -- couldn't be less surprised.
Correct Answer for America in January
2015 to
Save our
from another
2 years of
President Joe Biden
# 45

I strongly believe Joe will sign the 3 Executive Orders required to fund these projects with
Pre Existing Revenues and No New Taxes!
If Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, and the other WA State Congressional Team ask him to support these WA Bipartisan Projects!
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

1936 3 Stooges

2015 3 Stooges

How Many Innocent Americans Will Die At The Hands Of Terrorists So Team Obama Can Push A Radical And Illegal Amnesty Agenda?
It's almost beyond belief. Barack Obama's minions in Congress are blocking H.R. 240, theDepartment of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2015 precisely because this bill would fully funded the Department of Homeland Security and prohibit Barack Obama from spending any taxpayer money on his ILLEGAL Executive Amnesty Scheme.
Patriotic Democrats
You Must Help Save Our Country ! It is time to
"Trash Can Obama,or
put him in the toilet,
just like in the days of Richard Nixon"!
Biden January 2015

Senator Patty Murray
will be
losing her Senate
Seat in 2016!
If the Democrats don't help to Impeach Obama!
Obama is like a CANCER to the Democrat Party!
As you can see below Barry's entire historyhas been
erased and a false family history has been made up!
The most Egregious fraud he and his backers have done is to deceive America, the World and the DNC, and Patriotic Democrats who have given their lives for Our Country!
This couldn't happen without the CIA & CFR
giving the order not to report on his background!
JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version)
Was JFK's comment on "secret societies" a statement against the "NWO"? I searched this famous quote and finally found the full unedited written transcript and audio of this speech.JFK was actuall...
Obama Comes from the Secret Society President Kennedy was speaking about! Who later assassinated John. Then they created the Manchurian Candidate AKA Obama!
Constitutional Fraud
It is now known that Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago. The real truth is that Barack Obama was merely an 'instructor' at Chicago Law ...

Felon beats Obama in
ten West Virginia Counties!
Democrats in WV smelled a Rat!

Nancy Supports Joe!
Its Time to
Defend the Party
Dump the Liar!
Go Back to the Days of Presidents
Franklin Roosevelt &
John Kennedy or
Lose in 2016!
Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Joe Biden: White House Correspondents' Dinner 2014
Watch what happens when Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Vice President Joe Biden do not go to the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
Vice President Joe Biden 100% American Born! With Original Birth Certificate! Patty & Maria Will Support Joe! Senator Patty Murray Daughter of Patriot David L John WA.

Senator Cantwell
Daughter of Patriot
Paul F. Cantwell IN.

Governor Inslee

Mayor Murray

Seattle City Council

Washington State
Democrat Party
Can Help Save
Our Country and the Party of
Franklin D Roosevelt by Impeaching Obama and by Helping Put
Joe in Office
I strongly believe, Joe will sign the
3 Executive Orders
required to fund these projects with
Pre Existing Revenues and No New Taxes!
Its time to Put VP Joe Biden
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into office in January 2015!
Only Impeachment Will Stop Obama!
What is the National Strategic Agenda? - No Labels
LEARN about the National Strategic Agenda: http://bit.ly/NationalStrategicAgendaTAKE ACTION and contact Congress: http://action.nolabels.org/In Washington it seems like everyone can agree on o...
Bill Clinton Endorsing No Labels
LEARN about the National Strategic Agenda: http://bit.ly/NationalStrategicAgendaTAKE ACTION and contact Congress: http://action.nolabels.org/Bill Clinton video message for No Labels Meeting to...
doing the right thing for
"Our Country"
even though it is Hard!
Trace Adkins - Arlington
Official video of Trace Adkins's Arlington from the album Songs About Me. Buy It Here: http://smarturl.it/qqqphp"Arlington" is sung from the viewpoint of a soldier, killed in battle and buried at A...
A American Patriot Sings
About the Men & Women
Who have given their Lives for
"Our Country"!

'There's a perfectly acceptable remedy right there in the
Constitution that's bloodless'
Fox News Channel Senior Judicial Analyst Andrew Napolitano
is unimpressed by states suing the federal government over
President Obama unilaterally changing immigration laws or
by House Republicans pushing legislation to forbid Obama
from moving forward in implementing his policies.
Napolitano, who has a weekly column at WND, is also not
urging lawmakers to defund enforcement of what many
on the right consider amnesty. Instead, the former
New Jersey Superior Court judge thinks Obama’s actions
warrant his removal from office.
Earlier this week, 17 states, led by Texas Attorney General
and Governor-Elect Greg Abbott, filed suit against the
federal government. Napolitano said that’s not going to
get the job done.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/judge-
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/
before Party?

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D)
before Party?

Congressman Jim McDermott (D)
before Party?

Congressman Denny Heck (D)
before Party?

Rick Larsen (D)
before Party?

Congressman Derek Kilmer (D)
before Party?

Congressman Adam Smith (D)
I strongly believe these Patriotic Democrat Representatives would support
VP Biden for President!

Dan Newhouse
Sworn in
January 7, 2015
Newhouse Lands House ag,
natural resources,
science committee assignments!
Coming Soon?!
Promotion of Columbia Basin, Snake River, Yakima Basin, & Expansion of
WA Ports!

Supreme Court OKs Obama Impeachment Proceedings
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/shakaama2MY TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Kevin_CardinaleMY FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/kevin.cardinale.1http://www.lasvegasnevadadui.com/MY BLOG: http://shakaama...
Approved by the Supreme Court!
Supreme Court Unanimous: Obama Violated Constitution!
Today the Supreme Court unanimously held that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he made several appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and other agencies without...
Supreme Court Unanimous:
Obama Violated Constitution!
Please go to my New Congressional Campaign at
Barry, get ready to go to Prison!

I am going to help clean this house up! Starting at the top!

Sheriff Joe Get the Posse Ready & the cuffs out! Glen
Supreme Court OKs Obama Impeachment Proceedings
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/shakaama2MY TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Kevin_CardinaleMY FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/kevin.cardinale.1http://www.lasvegasnevadadui.com/MY BLOG: http://shakaama...
Supreme Court OKs Obama's Impeachment Proceedings Published on Jun 23, 2013

We Need to Elect Patriots to Congress!
Political Brain Drain: Why Are Politicians Becoming Dumb and Dumber?
Ever wonder why our politicians seem to be getting dumber by the minute? Were you baffled by Rep. Hank Johnson's (D-GA) fear that Guam might capsize, or by GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin's (R-MO) biza...
Why are Politicians so Stupid?
Obama was quoted during a campaign 57 States in the
United States!
Guess Barry wasn't taught the correct
facts growing up in Kenya!
President Obama
& the
Sheriff Mack breaks down the Bundy Ranch situation,
while calling out Glenn Beck.
Sheriff Mack Responds Federal Terrorism at Bundy Ranch Sheriff Richard Mack joins Gary Franchi and responds to Governor Sandoval's failure to tell Feds to stand down at the Bundy Ranch during their ad...
(R) GEORGE BUSH 41 & 43 &
LBJ KILLED JFK - Roger Stone: Book Talk
A short version of Roger Stone's book talk. Roger Stone is the author of New York Times, USA Today best seller 'The Man Who Killed Kennedy, The Case Against LBJ' Using fingerprint evidence, and eye wi...
Was Harry Reid involved in the Bundy Ranch Debacle? Sorting through the Rumors & Disinformation
Sources and full transcript: http://scgnews.com/bundy-ranch-what-youre-not-being-toldFollow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/StormCloudsGatheringFollow us on Twitter: http://twitt...
Please use Google Chrome to view this Web Page!
"Without history, a society shares no common memory of where it has been, of what its core values are, or what decisions in the past account for the present circumstances".
Given to Glen by a very Patriotic Historian Mr. Lindsay Little of Minnesota
When I was going to school for my 1st day, my older brother and another 1st graders older brother decided it would be great sport to watch Randy and I tusel! While I had Randy down I, I noticed both older brothers laughing! My comparative analogy / Story above is given to show on the World Stage the promoted false fight between the Parties is Accomplishing the same effect for the NWO! from 1913 - 2013!
Our Political Problems Are Not Republican V/S Democrat or V/S Tea Party!
They have been Brought on to America Over 100+ Years by the Illuminati / Trilaterial Commission by using Decption, Causing Arguments, Wars, & Economic Catastrophes brought
on to America by the Federal Reserve, in Unison with Puppet President, promoted by the CFR (CNN, ABC, NBC)!
We Need to get rid of the Shadow Government that took Our Country over after they Assassinated President John Kennedy!
1. Impeach Obama and Place VP Biden into the President's Office!
2. Get Control of our Military and quit financing and starting wars around the world and defend America only!
3. Take Total Control of our Nation's Banking System,and Audit The Federal Reserve, the IRS and the Social Security System!
4. Suspend the Patriot Act, there wasn't a need for it in 2001 and definitely not needed today! It erodes our Constitutional rights and creates
a method to install Marshall Law against the citizens of the United States and allows our money to be printed in another country!, !
5. Protect The Social Security System for our Children generation and future generations!
6. Defend the 1st and 2nd Amendments and return to the Constitution of the United States of America!
7. Throw all Traitors (no matter what party they are associated with) into Prison!
Texas, You need to start an immediate recall of this idiot, this is treason, in my opinion!
Oct. 13, 2013, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Suggests Martial Law to End Government Shutdown!