Washington State Economic Development NP
Ritzville, Washington
June 15, 2011
Washington State Economic Development Corp. NP
Request to the Gates Foundation
For Alternative financing for the Columbia Basin Project
By Glen R Stockwell
Warren Buffett donates $1.5 billion to Gates Foundation
To Bill and Melinda Gates,
My name is Glen R Stockwell and I am the President of Washington State Economic Development Corp. NP (WSEDC).
WSEDC mission and objective is "Final Fast Track Phased Completion of the Columbia Basin Project" (Approx. 500,000 additional irrigated acres located in Eastern Washington).
This Project expansion will also assist all of the Washington and Oregon Ports (Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, Olympia and Portland) with additional export freight for centuries to come.
A project overview and video can be reviewed on my web at www.washingtonstateeconomicdevelopment.com .
I am asking President Obama to sign an Executive Order for Fast Track Phased completion (just like President Franklin D Roosevelt did) and also requesting Washington State's 11 Congressional members to form a "Bipartisan Washington State Green Team".
I have asked Senator Patty Murray and Representative Doc Hastings to lead the Washington State delegation to President Obama.
On May 9th 2011, Senator Patty Murray delivered my project proposal to President Obama's advisors.
I have recently read about the 1.7 Billion Dollars investment by the Gates Foundation in Africa on another Farm and EDC project, that will aide Africa for centuries to come also.
Columbia Basin Project quick overview;
1. The Columbia Basin Project can be completed within 7 years for 2.5 Billion dollarsafter President Obama signs a correctly worded Executive Order.
President Obama has roughly 800 Billion dollars in reserve stimulus money and possibly President Obama would be willing to split or match the Gates Foundations investment?
All financing options and Project construction options should be fully reviewed.
This project has broad political support at the National (Democratic, Republican & Tea Party) and State levels starting with Governor Gregoire, State's Democratic Party, the State's Republican Party, Washington State Tea Party and it also has broad public support!
2. The pumps are already in place, there is excess water currently being spilled over Grand Coulee Dam now and we have a water withdrawal permit in hand.
3. The additional water siphon is being constructed now and it will be finished by the end of this year. It will carry additional water volume to thousands of additional acres and expansion can take place very fast by multi tasking construction projects!
4. We can construct a "15 mile inland water retention reservoir" by simply building two coffer dams and the water delivery system is already in place. We can have this retention reservoir done within two years with the President's leadership, Senator Patty Murray, Representative Doc Hastings and the other members of the Bipartisan Washington State Green Team.
5. We can also construct "4 additional inland water retention reservoirs" very fast with the support of the President and Congressional leaders.
6. Washington State is home to the worlds foremost experts in automated Canal Construction equipment (Open system and Closed system) and we also have a multi-national world concrete corporation "Old Castle Products" available to "Fast Track" this project.
Both companies have the ability to pre train some of Washington State's 400,000 unemployed citizens &/or returning unemployed Veterans. The project expansion will create thousands of future jobs, on the farms, in new industrial parks and Port jobs for decades to come.
Warren Buffett can play a pivotal role by directing the usage of the Burlington Northern Rail Co. to cut substantial project construction cost and it will speed up overall completion of this project!
7. If the Gates Foundation is willing to invest in the Columbia Basin Project? It will help feed millions all over the world for centuries to come!
In the Forbes Magazine Special Edition dated October 11, 2011. Mr. Buffett said "If you're succeeding all the time in philanthropy, your projects are too easy. Look for things that are more important and where you may fail".
For the record we will not fail on this project and it is very easy to complete!
I have never applied for any grant in my life! So I thought, I would 1st ask a basic question of the Gates Foundation. I am hoping the Gates Foundation would consider "Fast Tracking the Grant application and Financing" for the Columbia Basin Project completion.
Would the Gates foundation consider working with President Obama, and the Washington State's Congressional leaders to provide 2.5 Billion dollars financing for this project, like the Gates foundation has invested the 1.7 Billion in Africa?
Money is a tool! In my opinion, the Gates Foundation should supply the tool to Our Nation and Washington State because "this project has a 60 year track record of success" and the benefits will enrich the world for centuries to come!
WSEDC would like to work directly with the Gates Foundation on "Stockwell's Fast Track Project Methodologies" of speeding up construction, cutting overall construction cost, and completing the project, in a record setting timeframe.
WSEDC would like to offer to work openly and aggressively with the Gates Foundation to succeed with the "Fast Track Completion" of the Columbia Basin Project!
A very important fact for the Gates Foundation to consider is this project will be successful and the Gates Foundation will not be wasting it's time and financial resources. In reviewing the political history of the United States Congress, Washington State Congressional leaders are currently chairing many of the key departments and committees who directly influence the success of this project.
I hope and pray future history books will tell a story, about the Patriotic Investment the Gates Foundation provided to the United States by providing the wisdom, leadership and financial tool to complete the Columbia Basin Project.
Respectfully Submitted,
Glen R. Stockwell