Washington State Economic Development NP
Ritzville, Washington
Here's a television interview that Stockwell gave during
his run for the 9th Legislative District's House seat (2009)
in Kennewick discussing completion of the Columbia
Basin Project, and how it will renew the USA and
Washington State Economies without any new taxes!
Watch the videos at You Tube (You tube only has 10 min. videos and we had to split it up into 3 segments)
Part One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLVedF98S1A
Part Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlWSXU0ru9Y
Part Three: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyLjzCyped8
History proves President Franklin D. Roosevelt lead
with authority and for the last 60+ years Washington State and the Nation has repeat the benefit of his leadership!
It is my belief "Real leaders should lead the herd", they
shouldn't be "quiet followers warming a seat of leadership
just collecting a pay check"!
To: Keith Phillips
From: Glen R. Stockwell
RE: Columbia Basin Project - Governor Gregoire's Reelection - Possible Campaign Strategy
Hello Keith,
I have been pondering this transmittal for several days, trying to decide the direction I
should take. As I said on the phone, I have researched your background, and I realize
Christine puts a tremendous amount of faith, and trust in your opinions. So the following is
my humble country bumpkin attempt to persuade you to look through my words to the
picture I'm trying to paint for you, and that will be the “keystone” to Christine’s successful
reelection. Please put your political finger in the air, and help the following scenario take
place for Christine’s benefit. To be reelected she will need the votes of Independents like
myself, and Republicans willing to walk across the proverbial line! Technically Adams County
votes were the key votes that gave Christine her win in 2004.
During the 2003 election cycle, and after watching Christine win on the tobacco settlement,
I decided to voted for her with the hopes she would bring her legal abilities to Washington
State's aid on this project (Strong Leadership). I watched the news stories progress, and
recognized Christine, and her political team had ability to reach out to Senator John Kerry,
and the National Democratic Committee. She not only requested assistance, but also offered
reciprocal assistance in return, and a productive relationship was built (a political
Democratic joint venture bridge)!
The Democratic Party of today, has been assaulted year after year by the Republican
National Committee, "as a party lacking direction or leadership, never bringing
constructive new ideas, or viable projects to the National table" (I'm quite certain
you have heard this year after year). This project is one of the last remaining of many
historical crowning achievements of the National Democratic Party of "yester year" still
remaining on today's table. The Democratic Party of Franklin D. Roosevelt was not only a
party of vision, but also one of action! This project has been waiting patiently for someone
"in power" to recognize,"it's current political usability of today". I believe Howard Dean,
and the National Democratic Party would welcome Christine’s leadership role in bring this
project forward to be used by the party as an example of Democratic determination. I believe
in doing so Christine will be reelected, and the future Democratic Presidential Nominee will
be elected.
Gary Locke, was wrong when he only viewed this project as a Farming project. This
project would be the 2nd largest “Washington State Economic Development Project”,
undertaken within the last 54 years. The expansion of this project will benefit the voters of
Eastern, and Western Washington for decades to come, it will increase the yearly taxable
dollars going to Education and other agencies by millions per year.
I ran for State Representative of the ninth district in 2005 on the Republican ticket, and
lost by a small margin. I ran on the platform of “Completion of the Columbia Basin
Project”. I met with many citizens, from all walks of life, while participating in the parades,
people would call out to me shouting “yes we need to finish the project Glen”, the
Hispanic community totally supports the expansion.
I plan on running again, and I maybe running on the Democratic Ticket!
I can show you how to use existing canals to solve the Odessa Sub Aquifer problem,
which will reduce the overall construction cost of the final project, and it will be more
environmentally friendly. I would also like to explain to you, and Christine other alternative
funding methods, I believe are available to the State (one method would require a legal
process &/or federal negociations).
I have worked on very large state projects in years past! I would like to assist you on the
completion of this project, please let me know if you would be willing to work together on the
above described project? I would like to help Christine’s reelection if she would consider
taking the joint venture Democratic bridge described above to the National Democratic
Thank you for your service to our State, and I would like to extend my hand in friendship to
A. Political Page the Fox
B. Campaign Handout for the 9th District "Completion of the Columbia Basin
C. Sept. 4th article about the New Reservior in Peel Valley put in by local Farmers!
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Farmers safe from cost blowout responsibility
Great news: Peel Valley Water Users chairman Geoff Swain, right, with Kevin Tongue and
The Nationals MLC Trevor Khan at Chaffey Dam yesterday.
Great news: Peel Valley Water Users chairman Geoff Swain, right, with Kevin Tongue and
The Nationals MLC Trevor Khan at Chaffey Dam yesterday. PEEL Valley irrigators
should be dancing in their paddocks in the wake of yesterday's Chaffey Dam
augmentation upgrade funding announcement, a leading industry figure has said.
"If they're like me they will be," Peel Valley Water Users chairman Geoff Swain said
Mr Swain described the announcement, made on site before local government
representatives and water users at Chaffey Dam, as the best possible outcome for his
"Mark Vaile has said there will be no cost recovery on this," he said. "That is very
important for us."
He also welcomed a statement by Mr Vaile that the Peel Valley irrigators' cost
contribution to the upgrade – which will take Chaffey from 62 gigalitres to 100
gigalitres – would be capped at $ 876,000.
Mr Vaile told The Leader he understood the irrigators – who have not received a
meaningful water allocation from Chaffey for more than half a decade – had dug deep to
come up with their share of the money.
He said even if the cost of the project blew out, which is not something that is expected
to happen, he would not anticipate any further calls on the farming community for
"The reality is that if the costs (did) increase the three levels of government (state,
federal and Tamworth Regional Council) should be prepared to carry the can," he said.
Mr Swain said this was vital for his members, who had been doing it tough for longer
than he cared to remember.
"We are irrigators who have been forced to become dry land farmers," he said.
"It will be hard for us to find the money but we will – this is just so important. It (the
funding announcement) is make or break for us. We would have been in serious trouble
without it."
Mr Swain, who farms a property 50km west of Tamworth at the end of the Peel Valley
irrigation zone, said when he could get it he used irrigation water to produce lucerne
and for pasture for a prime lamb enterprise.
"I know this will take time to build and then it will have to fill but at least now we can see
the light at the end of the tunnel," he said. Copyright © 2007. Rural Press Limited
Last discussion on the phone 11/19/07
Date:12/11/2007 12:24:57 P.M. Pacific Standard
TimeFrom:StockwellStocky@aol.comReply To:To:
Hi Keith,
I have been thinking about a comment you made on the phone, about discussions
you, and Christine will be having with BC officials sometime in the future.
I know you are probably miles ahead of me on professional experience, but I thought,
I would try to assist you and Christine with something I said to you on the phone. I
know you may have a full understanding of this information, and I don't personally know
what BC wants (I'm normally a news hound but I guess I missed this one, or maybe it is
behind closed doors).
When parties come to a negotiating table both parties have a targeted position
normally. Hopefully this is our States position, and it is CAST in STONE;
A. We don't want to negotiate away the water withdrawal agreement already given for
the completion of the Columbia Basin Project. (This is a State Economic
development asset in hand).
It is worth BILLIONS of State DOLLARS! (current & future)
B. As I stated above, I don't know what BC wants. I have done enough negotiating over
the years, to know they can be a tremendous allies for future negotiating with the Feds,
and stalling BC and forming a coalition of the Western Governors, might be a
tremendous tactic for Christine! You may have heard this is a election year, and if
Christine was the initiating Governor, and set at the head of the table, it might be news
worthy????????????????? You know fighting for the people's rights!
I can kind of see history repeating it self, similar to Christine's success
with the tobacco settlement, if she would consider it? She said she was kind
of retiring from being a attorney, during her speech in Aberdeen in 2005. I
wish she would reconsider that?!
The best form of negotiating happens when both parties walk away from the table with
their basic objectives met! As I told you on the phone the Canadian government
is wanting a irrigation project also, but they are having problems similar to ours this
area is a large farming section of Canada; It almost sounds like a negotiating tool?!
We get what we want & Canada gets what they want! You know a win / win thing.
Red River
The Passageway to the prairies
Cree name: Miscousipi, meaning 'Red Water River.'
Current official name: Red, a translation from the Cree name.
Source: Lake Traverse, North Dakota
Mouth: Lake Winnipeg
Direction of flow: north
Length : 877 kilometres
Main Characteristic: witness to the struggle for control of the West.
Finally, in closing did you know there is over 20 states actively talking about
succession, and Texas is leading the way? I bet Arnold would reach across the
political isle on the issue of new waters for farming needs.
Have a great day Keith,
PS; Any update on my request to Christine yet? I would really like to work with
you on this project!
Glen R. Stockwell
I have many other emails offering to help on this project and come
up with financing, without any new taxes, (covering many years)!