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Ritzville, Washington
Change 2012
Save America Impeach Obama!
Obama has deceived
all the
Citizens of Our Nation

US Presidential Election Fraud 2007 & Again 2012!
Glen R Stockwell was Deceived by Obama during the 2007
Presidential Election as Obama deceived the rest of the US!
Not again in 2012Congress Start Impeachment Proceedings Now! Congress Legally Confiscate Obama's Illegally obtained
2012 Election Campaign funds (Estimated 1 Billion Dollars)!
Just in case you have forgotten,here are nearly two dozen of Obama’s most disgusting frauds to refresh your memory…
Forged birth certificate issued by the White House
Multiple Social Security numbers
Sealed college records
Surrendered license to practice law
Missing birth records in Hawaii
Sealed selective service records
Obama uses foreign passports
Association with known communists and subversives
Sworn testimonies proving Obama was not born in America
America’s top sheriff threatened if he continues investigating Obama frauds
Michelle Obama’s disbarment…her license to practice law revoked
Obama’s own mother said her son, Barry Santoro (Barack Hussein Obama), received foreign aid to pay for college
Obama wants to rewrite the national anthem. Remember, I just told you a few minutes ago. Obama’s Campaign Promise: "…the National Anthem should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I'd like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our national anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….” Utter heresy!!!
Obama publicly stated he was not born in America
Created ObamaCare and put the I.R.S. in charge
Approved the Fast and Furious plan to arm dangerous Mexican drug lords
Our Obomination of a president praised Occupy Wall Street thugs and hoodlums—the very scum of the earth just arrested for planning to blow up a bridge in Ohio, taking innocent men, women and children right along with it
Approves of the TSA groping and of nudity scans at airports—and now on public buses, too!
Held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
Obama terminated America’s ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA
Obama signed a law by an auto-pen without being present
Obama arbitrarily declared an existing law unconstitutional and refused to enforce it
Obama threatened insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases
Obama told a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which state they’re allowed to locate a factory
Obama was the first president to say America was not a Christian nation
Obama approved 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife
Filed lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)
…and the list goes on!
US Enemy No 1
Constitutional Crisis! Obama Born in Kenya 4/4
Barry Soretto, Barack Obama,
or ????????? name he has used!
Illegal Alien / No Citizenship
Papers, Liar, National Deceiver
Barack Obama
Active Leader and member of the
Muslim Brotherhood
http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6386adevout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis

Crimes against America are
Election Fraud & Treason!!!
Lets throw Barry Soetero in Gitmo with the other Terrorist!
He has betrayed every American
and especially all of the Patriotic
Democrats across America who have served honorably to defend Our Country and now reside in our nations veterans cemeteries!
Forged Birth certificate issued by the White House
Multiple Social Security numbers
Sealed college records
Surrendered license to practice law
Missing birth records in Hawaii
Sealed selective service records
Obama uses foreign passports
Association with known communists and subversives
Sworn testimonies proving Obama was not born in America
America’s top sheriff threatened if he continues investigating Obama frauds
Michelle Obama was disbarred…her license to practice law revoked
Obama’s own mother said her son, Barry Santoro (Barack Hussein Obama), received foreign aid to pay for college
Obama publicly stated he was not born in America.
hello Angel...........
Fellow Patriots,
The Clintons were the original “birthers.”
That’s what Betinna Viviano told
during an interview where she recounted her insider access to the campaign during a documentary she produced based on delegates’ claims that Obama and the Democratic National Committee were stealing the nomination from Hillary.
Viviano said, the “birther” movement to determine Obama’s constitutional eligibility to run for president started with the Clinton’s and “it percolated up from there.” Viviano alleges that
when on a conference phone call during the spring 2008 primary season, she heard Bill Clinton refer to Obama as ineligible for the presidency.
Bill Clinton even spoke of Obama as “the non-citizen.”
Viviano isn’t the only one saying this either.
Senior Republican Joins Co-sponsors of Jones's H.C.R. 107
March 30, 2012 • 11:04PM
Rep. Dan Burton (R-In.), a 30-year veteran of the House of Representatives, has become the third cosponsor of Walter Jones's H.C.R. 107. Burton is the chairman of the Europe and Eurasia Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and a noted "hawk" on military affairs. Burton's thinking mirrors that of Jones, as reflected in a March 19 op-ed he published in the Washington Times, under the title "Burton: Congress Must Say Go," with the subhead "Air war on Syria requires congressional authorization." Burton directly takes on the lunatic calls for military action against Syria coming from Sen. John McCain, and then launches into an elaboration of the Constitutional mandate that it is Congress that must declare war. He then argues: "If Mr. Obama is contemplating taking Mr. McCain's suggestion, as I fear he is, he is required before one plane leaves the hangar or carrier or one American bullet is fired to seek the formal authorization of Congress. If he does anything less, he will be violating his oath of office and committing an arguably impeachable offense."
Fellow Patriot,
In the most bizarre turn of events yet – events that unsurprisingly the mainstream media still refuses to cover! –
Alexandra Hill, an attorney representing Barack Hussein Obama, has argued in a New Jersey court to prevent the long-form birth certificate image that was released by the White House nearly a year ago from being placed into evidence.
Hill made the shocking admission IN COURT that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery. But she didn’t stop there. Oh no, she went on to make the absurd claim that the birth certificate is irrelevant to Obama’s eligibility according to New Jersey law and therefore cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship!
INCREDULOUSLY – and to the detriment of America - SHE WON!
During a three-hour eligibility hearing before a New Jersey administrative law judge on April 10,
Hill successfully argued that New Jersey law does not require Obama to present a valid birth certificate to establish his qualifications under Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution
in order to be on the New Jersey Democratic Party primary ballot.
Judge Jeff S. Masin who heard the argument ruled in a written opinion on the same day that New Jersey law does not require Obama to produce ANY proof he is eligible to be president in order to be placed on the primary ballot.
Masin prevented the petitioner’s counsel, Mario Apuzzo, from placing Obama’s birth certificate into evidence.
Apuzzo wasn’t even allowed to call to the stand a witness offering expert testimony that Obama’s birth certificate is a FORGERY despite his correct argument that Obama, according to the Constitution, has to be a “natural born Citizen” and that he has not met the burden of proof to show that he is eligible to be on the New Jersey primary ballot!