Washington State Economic Development NP
Ritzville, Washington
13 Facts the Media ‘Pros’ Don’t Want You to Know About ‘Family Border Separation’
by John Nolte, 19 June 2018
The fire hose of fake news from the establishment media this week on the issue of illegal immigrant families separated at the border is designed to mislead the American people — and to distract from Trump’s recent successes.
Here are the facts — 13 truths the media do not want you to know about President Trump’s legal, humane, and moral handling of adults and children who enter our country illegally.
1. Trump Is Only Enforcing the Law
The establishment media’s manufactured narrative about the necessary and moral separation of illegal alien parents from their children is designed with the specific purpose of spreading the fake news that, only as a means to be cruel, President Trump is somehow making all of this up as he goes along.
In truth, Trump is only complying with and enforcing the law, which is his constitutional duty and responsibility.
When the media claim Trump has a “choice,” what they mean is he has a choice to ignore the law as Obama did when he illegally released untold numbers of illegals into America.
Trump’s “zero tolerance policy” is merely his administration treating all lawbreakers as lawbreakers, because the only other option is to let them loose into America with nothing but a court summons.
2. TRUMP'S Only Choice Is to Separate Illegal Alien Families
The establishment media’s manufactured narrative about the necessary and moral separation of illegal alien parents from their children is designed with the specific purpose of spreading the fake news that, only as a means to be cruel, President Trump is somehow making all of this up as he goes along.
In truth, Trump is only complying with and enforcing the law, which is his constitutional duty and responsibility.
When the media claim Trump has a “choice,” what they mean is he has a choice to ignore the law as Obama did when he illegally released untold numbers of illegals into America.
Trump’s “zero tolerance policy” is merely his administration treating all lawbreakers as lawbreakers, because the only other option is to let them loose into America with nothing but a court summons.
3. The Left Wants Illegal Aliens to Enjoy Privileges Denied to American Citizens
If an American citizen breaks the law and is funneled into the justice system, he is separated from his family and children. This American citizen is not allowed to keep his family with him in a detention center.
Once again, our media want illegal aliens to enjoy special rights and privileges American citizens do not enjoy.
One more point…
These migrants are guilty of walking minor children through miles and miles of desert with the intent of committing a crime (crossing a border illegally).
If you or I walked a child through miles and miles of desert with the intent of committing a crime, child protective services would take our children away (and should).
4. Asylum Seekers Not Breaking the Law are Not Being Separated
If you cross the border illegally and claim asylum, you are still a lawbreaker. Regardless of your intent, crossing the border illegally automatically puts you in the criminal justice system, where you will obviously be separated from family.
These asylum seekers are choosing to break the law, are choosing to be separated from family.
Asylum seekers who respect our laws, by turning themselves in at legal points of entry, are not being separated. Over-crowding due to the abuse of this policy might eventually make this impossible, but it is up to Congress to allocate more funds.